My buddy Brad and I are bicentennial high school graduates from James Madison Memorial High School in Madison, Wisconsin from way back in 1976!! We were friends but really didn't hang out much and after graduation we went our separate ways and come hell or high water we both were going to solve all the world's problems.

Well we both solved a bunch of problems and I'm sure contributed to some as well but the years went by.....marriages, kids, maturity, more maturity, even more maturity and all the good stuff that's supposed to happen, happened. Finally it took one of our high school reunions for us to realize we both lived in the Chicago area. I know it's getting long and boring and I'm losing some of you but hang in there it's going to get good!!!

Ok, I'll cut to the chase.....I found myself retired, Brad found himself laid off and what a great way for old friends to hang out: drink great beer and tour breweries!!! I know, it's pretty cool isn't it!!!

Well we grabbed the tour by the neck and took off running!! And it seemed that after each tour we gained momentum and we started thinking about and looking forward to the next one. We were having so much fun that on our 6th tour, and to answer your question, no not all in one day.......but after a 5-6 month period, we finally *gasp* invited our wives! (Both of us celebrate over 30 years of fabulous marriages). And it was on this very tour, and I don't want to get ahead of ourselves but right then, right there, and of course after some beers, we decided to document this fun filled, fabulous, flattering, awesome brewery tour for our family, friends and future friends!!! - Clyde