Tour Stop 104 - LazyG Brewhouse - 10/9/2020
10/9/2020 LazyG Brewhouse, 220 W. Leroux St, Prescott, AZ. 86303
Experience before you go . . .
The theme continues......where can we go and what friends can we visit so we don't go Stir Crazy!! Now the definition of stir crazy is psychologically disturbed, especially as a result of being confined or imprisoned. So not wanting to feel confined or imprisoned we head north to Prescott, AZ to visit our friends Don & Jan.
Prescott, Arizona is located in central Arizona at the elevation of 5367 feet and has a more moderate climate and it's where many Arizonans seek refuge from the hot desert temps. They even get snow in the winter....Arizona is a very cool state!! So after the 3 1/2 hour drive up from Tucson we arrive and are greeted with open arms and hospitality that D & J only know how provide!! The 2 day visit was chocked full of activities, great food, great drink and of course some down time. When you're retired and getting up there in age, down time plays a significant role in your typical retirement day. Don't want to go total Dr. Oz on ya, but in retirement you just can't go all day long like you did in your early years without disengaging, putting your feet up and just plain checking out for a while. Well anyhow we hit it hard with playing golf, shopping and hiking like youngsters, eating and drinking like kings, laying down and napping like well fed lions. We had a ball like we always do and of course there was time and energy to tour a relatively new brewery in town called the LazyG Brewhouse.
Let me interrupt this previously scheduled Hoppin' Brewery Tour write-up for an important update! I managed to get the magic virus - Covid!! Don't know where, don't know how but five days into what I thought was just a head cold with weird psychotic dreams, bad case of dry mouth and the lack of ability to smell much. I know the smell thing should of tipped me off but I really don't excel in that sensory area anyhow so it didn't register on my radar. So 5-6 days in my wife Kat and I decide to go in for a free test at the local park down the street. Having been tested for the flu before I didn't think anything about the swab probe until the nice young lady in the hazmat suit managed to set a Covid 19 Probe Length Record with the long slender exploratory swab on my right and left nostril. OBGBG - Oh By Gosh By Golly, not only did the 4 inch probe disappear the young lady was up to the second knuckle on her index finger and I was told I needed to be still for 3 long seconds and immediately the probe was pulled and forced up the other nostril in a seamless swooping movement for another 3 seconds. Before she could fully remove the probe I let out a sneeze that was heard in the other room and unfortunately it was aimed right at her and all I have to say is they should of designed the clear plastic face protector with a set of windshield wipers!!! I felt really bad but that sneeze was followed up by at least ten more as I sneezed my way out of the entire facility, down the sidewalk and to my car. Usually sneezes come in threes for me but this was shear madness! I had spend five minutes regrouping before I could start the car. Good news I did regroup and I managed to make it home and all was fine until the next morning. I'm a good sleeper and Kat gets up before me and before I jump out of bed and do 100 jumping jacks, 100 push ups and 100 burpees (old football drill) I usually check my phone to see what's up (Oh yeah....just kidding on the workout regiment). I immediately notice an email from LabFinder saying my test results were in...."boy that was fast"! Takes me a minute or two to navigate the website but once I do an official looking document with my name and pertinent info at the top and 2/3 the way down in ALL CAPS and in RED ink is the word POSITIVE!!! Still having sleep in my eyes I had to rub my eyes to make sure I understood what I was reading!! You could of knocked me over with a feather, but since I was still laying in bed there was no need to grab a feather. I was in total shock as I tried to formulate a coherent sentence as I yelled out to Kat in the other room. Now both of us are now in shock and not really knowing what to do. "Stay put" Kat said as she checked her email to see if her results were in, which they weren't. We later discover if you're POSITIVE you get your result much quicker then if you're not....makes sense because later that morning Kat got her negative results! So how did I get it and not Kat since 5 days into my alleged head cold we were doing normal married stuff......it's a mystery!! So anyhow this was the start of a text book 10 - 14 day mild Covid case that kept me at home quarantining in the den and master bedroom, still walking 2-3 miles outside per day (doctors orders), feeling kinda lousy but not that bad. And after about 3 weeks I was as good as new and now they say I'm bulletproof....just like Superman!!
So back to the HBT and talking about beer. It was a Friday morning in Prescott, Arizona, Don, Jan, Kat and I worked up a thirst and an appetite hiking around beautiful Willow Creek Reservoir. When we finished common sense told us it was time to hit a local brewery.....with age comes tons of common sense, so much we each require a back pack to carry it all!! Now Don and Jan could be the local "Welcome Wagon" of Prescott, Arizona with their local passion and knowledge! Do they even do the "Welcome Wagon" anymore.....sorry to see that go!! So anyhow our conversation went something like this, "You know there's a new brewery in town", "Really", "and we've never been there", "Seriously", "Would you like to go there", "Definitely"! So off we went in search of #104 on the Hoppin Brewery Tour!
Now Don knows Prescott like the back of his hand so unlike other treks to precious breweries we didn't get lost this time. But on the drive over I did mention that I was amazed of how many friends and neighbors I have with the same name, "What's His Name" or "What's Her Name"......it's a senior moment thing and if you're under the age of 40 you probably won't understand!! So we pull into the parking lot and easily find a spot. We sashay up to the door, rifle off the patented front sign selfie and in we go. But before we go in I look up above the door and since we're close to Halloween I see 3 full sized skeletons scaling the outside brick, but none of them had beers in their hands! Once inside the tall ceiling, fabulous artwork and shinny stainless steel all added up to a very welcoming, warm and well thought out brewery. We commandeered a table for four close to the door and I headed toward the bar to get us some refreshments. I ordered the HazyG Batch #9 - NE/Hazy IPA (6.9%) hazy but not lazy, low bitterness with a high hop using citra, talus and eureka hops...very tasty! Kat had her usual Blonde, this time the Sunshine Blonde - Blonde Ale (4.9%) clean and crisp! Jan ordered up the M.O.E. PIls - Pilsner (5.4%) this floral and lemon-like pils is brewed Italian style with German and French hops.....balanced and versatile just like Jan!! And Don went a little bit on the darker side with a Vienna Lager (5.6%) golden lager with malt aroma and sweetness with a hint of toast....refreshing! And of course we were hungry after our morning hike so we ordered some of their tasty food. Now since this tour was in October of last year smack dab in the middle of Covid I kinda forget what we ordered food wise but all I remember is was good, real good, so I'd recommend getting food to go along with the brews.
Even though LazyG was relatively new to the brewery scene it didn't take a genius to realize it was already a local favorite because it was buzzing. Brew lovers everywhere enjoying the day with family and friends and their favorite beer. If you're ever in Prescott, Arizona stop by the LazyG, sit a spell, eat some food, drink a beer and smile it's all part of the plan.
Until next time and remember.....
Go get'cha one!!!