Tour Stop 109 - Montana Brewing Company 6/19/2021
Montana Brewing Company - Montana Brewing Company, 113 N. Broadway, Billings, Montana 59101. #406-252-9200
website: https://montana-brewing-company.business.site/
Hours: Every Day: 11:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Experience before you go . . .
Well after close to a week staying at our friends cabin up near Kalispell, Montana we hit the road once more. The plan was to drive 469.2 miles to Billings, Montana where we'd spend the nite on our way to the Naperville, Illinois area where we used to live. Now the drive was absolutely beautiful heading down Hwy 83 thru Montana and then we hit Interstate 90 and I quickly realized why it was called 90 because the posted speed limit was 80 mph and everyone still drove 90!! At times I was getting passed at 90 so I kinda felt as if I was in Europe on the German Autobahn!! Obviously you can cover some ground at 90 so we arrived in Billings earlier than expected. As we pulled up to the hotel I slowly pried myself out of the driver seat, removed my safety helmet and driving gloves, slipped out of my NASCAR fire retardant driving suit and beat the valet guy to my trunk to unload our luggage. I thanked the valet guy and told him I was old school and I prefer to handle my luggage myself and will continue for as long as I am able, and far as I know, I'm still able. We both laughed, he congratulated me, I congratulated him, we shook hands, gave the thumbs up and every time that guy saw me he called me "Old School"......I wore it proudly!!
Okay, we're checked in and wouldn't you know we're one block away from Montana Brewing Company and it's 5:30......beer and food time!! Don't know if you've ever been to Billings, it's pretty industrial with the discovery of the Bakken Oil Formation in 1953. This is the largest subsurface oil discovery in U.S. history......200,000 square miles. Henry Bakken was the farmer who discovered it and I don't think he was shooting at some food but up from the ground came a bubbling crude, oil that is, black gold, Texas tea, next thing you know ole Henry's a billionaire...... you know the rest of the story but I'm kinda thinking he stayed there instead of moving to Beverly Hills, California!! Okay back to beer! We walked the one block, saw Montana Brewing up ahead and from the looks of things the place was packed. They had a ten table under roof front patio that was completely full and from the looks of it, inside was packed as well. Front sign selfie and in Kat and I went. Big place with lots of tables and chairs and booths and right in the middle was a horse shoe shaped bar with at lease 20 bar stools and every one occupied except for two on the corner which we quickly sat on, got comfy and Bing bang boom, the Hoppin Brewery Tour strikes for the 108th time! I was expecting a balloon drop, a couple Roman candles going off, people coming up to us congratulating us for job well done.....you know the drill! But all we got after I gave the bartender, not sure of his name, the HBT card, was "That's nice now what can I get for you?" I get it, you're busy but a friendly microbrewery where everybody knows your name you're not! Don't know what I was thinking!! Well anyhow we ordered a couple beers. I got the Skypoint IPA (6.0 %, 69 IBU) traditional, hoppy and tasty. Kat ordered the Whitetail Wheat (5.2 %, 16 IBU) gold metal winner, unfiltered, citrus and a malty sweetness. We also ordered the pork belly sliders and classic burger which were very good.
Now to my right we have mom Gloria and son Jerry out on the town of Billings having fun. Now one interesting thing about these two was the first thing they ordered was dessert. A large chocolate chip cookie topped with five big scoops of vanilla ice cream. Now at first I thought they had dinner elsewhere and came here for dessert but I was wrong because after they polished off that huge dessert they both ordered burgers and fries! Dessert first, what a concept!! Gloria said they've always have dessert first! Now these two weren't hitting the scale at 250 plus, they both were in reasonable good shape and not overweight. Hmmmmm, I'm thinking this dessert first thing is something I need to try!!
Montana Brewing is big and busy which is kinda what you want as far as the making money thing but its easy to get lost in here. But don't worry about it, the beer and food make up for it and once you're done and walking out the door you're gonna be thinking about coming back and doing it all again!!!
Until next time and remember.....
Go get'cha one!!!fs