Tour Stop 122 - Folklore Brewing and Meadery 2/18/2022
Folklore Brewing & Meadery, 153 Mary Lou Ln, Dothan, AL 36301 #(334) 702-2337
website: FolkloreBrewingAndMeadery.com
Hours: Mon 11 - 6 | Tue 11 - 6 | Wed 11 - 6 | Thu 11 - 9 | Fri 11 - 11 | Sat 11 - 11 | Sun 1 - 6
Experience before you go . . .
While Clyde is relaxing in Tucson, yours truly (Brad, Tech Support) is also heading for the warmth. We headed to Florida after our quick visit with Clyde and Kat in Arizona. But we hit the road instead of the flight routes and pulled our temporary home straight south. We planned to get to our next tour stop, Folklore Brewing & Meadery the next day after we started. Folklore is a host within the Harvest Hosts system and since we are members, we're able to go to their brewery and stay for free, with our reservation. We can have a few beers and walk to the RV when done! It's a terrific concept, I gotta tell you. Our plan had us staying at a Harvest Host in Olinda, TN the first night and then down to Folklore, in southern Alabama. Well, mother nature had a different plan and we only made it a couple hours and we had to pull over because of all the snow. We were stuck behind a little gas station for the evening with about 40 big rigs. Being behind schedule we woke up at 3 AM, saw stars above and just took off. The roads were clear and we drove 870 miles to catch up and get to Folklore!
We pulled in down what I'll call a road, more like a quaint garden-like trail with flowers and trees, and that opened up into a large area and it was quite a sight. The Brewery on the left, a couple RVs on the right, and it was warm enough for us to wear light jackets. 52 degrees at 6:00 PM . . . Yes! Our snowed in adventure from last night was now just a funny memory and we headed off to check out this brewery! We pulled into a spot and went in to register our arrival and find out the best place to park. After moving the Airstream into place for the night, we headed back into the brewery.
 Now a Meadery is not something I'm all that accustomed to. We had a tour stop (#72) in the Quad Cities at 5ive Cities Brewing that brewed Mead. We enjoyed the sweet flavors at the end of a long night of touring. But Folklore takes this up a notch - there were no less than eight varieties of mead! Being a traditional guy, I went with the Traditional Mead! It was sweet and it washed away the layer of dust that had accumulated in my brain from our day's travels. They use a "secret honey wine recipe". Traditionally higher in alcohol than regular beers, this mead registered 13% on the ABV scale. Lynda sticks with what she knows and had the Mid Light Crisis, no pun intended, at 2.9% ABV and 2 IBU. I next had the Snipe Hunt IPA (7% ABV and 67 IBU, a very nice combination). My nightcap later would turn out to be the Shadowcaster Porter, 7% ABV and 30 IBU. What a wonderful smooth end to the evening!
During the visit we talked with some nice ladies who were helping us greatly by pouring the beer. Madeline (long I sound) and Beth told us that Folklore was featured recently in Simply Southern magazine. It's a family owned brewery (Dad, Mom, Son) on the property where the family lives. Mom and Dad had their own home and their son had his home there as well. It's a big piece of property, remember the trail coming in through their country garden setting.
The inside of Folklore was big and open. It had corrugated steel walls and high vaulted ceilings with two main seating areas separated by a long, two-sided sit down bar in the center. That's where we first saw Tim and Jan from Wauwatosa WI. As they were leaving, we stopped them and began talking and eventually invited them to sit down for another! They were retired and heading to Florida like we were. They too were taking advantage of the Harvest Host site and had their RV right next to ours. Tim remarked that they noticed us as we pulled in because he had two Airstreams of his own. Two Silver Siders - a 1974 28 footer and a 1978 20 footer. (My dad calls Airstreams "Sliver Siders".) They had been at the annual hot air ballon event in Albuquerque in October with a large contigent of Airstream owners. Turns out that in spite of owning two Airstreams, they were currently in a Class B on a Mercedes chassis. These were people who loved to RV! See you out there next time Tim and Jan!
This was the Tour's first stop in Alabama. We'll adjust our map page in the site and add in a button for this great state. We had a wonderful visit here and we'll be back for more of Folklore Brewery & Meadery. It was a fun stop for us and we could see that everyone else was having fun there too. Back to the RV and to bed and by 9:00 AM we were up and out of there. Book your Harvest Host spot there for your next trip through Dothan, AL. Or just stop by.
Click to learn more about Harvest Hosts ->
I like the logo. It looks like a bottle of wine on wheels, leaving nothing but sunshine behind.
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Men's room had saloon-style swinging doors, which was awesome!
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Cold Beer To Go!
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Folklore Merchandise
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Live music - He was very good!
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Harvest Host campers in the morning