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Tour Stop 35 - White Dog Brewing Company - 9/16/2017
9/16/2017 White Dog Brewing Co., 121 W. Main St. B., Bozeman, MT 59715
phone: 406-992-5798
website: WhiteDogBrewing.com/ Yellowstone National Park, OMGBG (Oh My Gosh By Golly)!!! Did he just say "OMGBG"? "Yes he did"! "How old is this guy"? "He's got to be old, at least into his 40's". Yellowstone is the gem of all the national parks! At times you feel like you're on another planet. The geothermal is loud and proud at every turn! The wildlife is bold, beautiful and sometimes dangerous! If you haven't experienced this park you need to pack up and the first chance you get, head to Yellowstone. You will be amazed!!
Well after two days of being entertained and inspired by Mother Nature, our trip was coming to a close. So our last full day we drove from Emigrant, MT through Paradise Valley to Bozeman for some exploring. Bozeman is a great little town. Home of Montana State University, a vibrant downtown area and lots of breweries! Did someone say beer?
As we converged on the downtown area, Kat was shopping for shoes, boots and miscellaneous and I had a black cowboy hat in mind...kind of the Jack Palance look in the old western movie Shane. So after 9 days of being attached at the hip we went our separated ways to explore...love cell phones. Kat immediately disappeared in some store and I did a leisurely tourist stroll down the street, window shopping. After 2-3 blocks with a couple brief in and outs my nose picked up a faint smell of hops, barley and a touch of malt....could it be? Have I walked up on a brewery unexpectedly? How could that be, at a moment's notice I normally know every brewery in a 5-mile radius. I walked a little future, the smell grew stronger and stronger! I started walking faster, and faster! The neon open sign appeared out of the corner of my eye. And there it was....White Dog Brewing Co. I was so surprised I walked right in. I started salivating in anticipation of a cold craft beer. Did the Sargent Friday quick scan, family in the booth to my left, young guy behind the bar to my right with one guy on a stool. I walk up to the bar and say, "I made it"! New best friend Ricky, says "Glad you're here"! "I literally stumbled on you guys"! Hand Ricky a HBT card and introduce myself and I ask, "How long you guys been here"? Ricky tells me two years and I tell Ricky, "You're not on my AroundMe app"! Ricky says, "We need to get on it"! I say, "You sure the heck do, let me see if I can help"! I step back outside for the front sign selfie shot and hurry back in for a cold beer. Life is Good!!!
The more breweries I'm in, the more I'm amazed at the inside space some of these entrepreneurs have created. And White Dog Brewing has got it figured out. Tall ceilings, exposed brick with fab artwork and tables to the left, brick top bar with stools to the right and some high tops in the back and then in the very back you have production. Just an overall great feel. And then there is was, and it reminded me of the New York Rockettes all in line doing their high kicks and it was just as amazing....the craft beer Frost Rail. First time I saw this fabulous little built in amenity was in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at the Snake River Brewery and now, here it is again. And I love White Dog's vernacular of "Frost Rail", coldest beer in town. It's perfect, it's cccolddd, it's useful and it's beautiful.
Let the beer tasting begin. But first, I text my wife Kat, "Guess what I found"? Kat didn't even hesitate, "A brewery"? I gave her directions and settled in for some samples. Ricky serves me up a taste of the Hefeweizen (5.0%, 12 IBU), the American IPA (6.6%, 53 IBU) and the White Dog English IPA (6.25%, 61 IBU). I go with a half pint of their signature brew White Dog English IPA - India Pale Ale with English hops, crisp, clean bitterness up front, smooth with spicy and floral and finishes dry...very nice! Now looking at Ricky I'm thinking is he old enough to be pouring this fine beer? Come to fine out Ricky celebrated his 21st birthday right here at the White Dog less than a year ago and liked it so much he wanted to work here. And Ricky's working that bar like a seasoned pro. Granted it wasn't very busy but when you got it, you got it!
In walks Kat and all heads turn and I got to tell ya, shes still got it!! Kat orders a half pint of Passion Fruit Gose (4.9%, 9 IBU)...takes a sip and smiles. To my right we have Matt, a powder hound snowboard junkie with a contagious personality. Thought he said he operated a rickshaw, that I thought was strange for Bozeman, but he was talking about something Ricky saw...BLT (not the sandwich but Belly Laugh Time). Matt's been dating the same lucky lady for 6 years and I asked, "What are you waiting for"? Matt didn't quite know what to say, so I said, "If you love her, you've got to act or tomorrow she may be gone"! Moment of inquisitive look, uncomfortable 3-4 seconds and Matt says, "You think"? I say, "I know"! Matt's drinking a Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Scotch Ale (5.8%, 28 IBU). "Have you been to Map Brewing Company?", Matt asked. "If you haven't, you need to go, it's one of my favorites and it's only 5 minutes from here". Best of luck to you Ricky, keep on smiling. Matt, get married and start living!!
So next time you're in historic downtown Bozeman, Montana, follow the White Dog Brewing's marching orders, which are, "Sit, Stay, Sip"! And I'll add, enjoy!!
Until next time and remember.........
Go get'cha one!!