Tour Stop 56 - All Rise Brewing Company - 6/4/2018
6/4/2018 All Rise Brewing Company, 235 N. Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60607 phone: #312-226-6300
website: AllRiseBrewing.com
Friday 11AM–2AM | Saturday 5PM–3AM | Sunday Closed | Monday 11AM–2AM | Tuesday 11AM–2AM | Wednesday 11AM–2AM | Thursday 11AM–2AM
Experience before you go . . .
Yes, I caught some flack from our Premium Members that our last write up was way too short and didn't have any teeth. So I immediately form a picture of a vertically challenged individual, older in years sporting a mouth of no teeth!!! What can I say, I'm a visual kinda guy! Having a major problem with this image, I decide to dust off the quirky writing style I've perfected over the years and use those classic wooden clothespins to hang the sheets out to dry, so to speak. So in Hoppin Brewery Tour terms, I've returned to my No Holds Barred, Ramblin way......kind of like Waylon Jennings and my favorite song.....Rambling Man! " I've been down the Mississippi, Down to New Orleans. Yes I have. I've played in California, there ain't too much I haven't seen. No, there ain't. Well I'm a Ramblin man, don't fool around with a Ramblin' Man "!!
All Rise Brewing was our second stop on our Chicago West Loop, beautiful June summer day brewery adventure. We had Joe, better known as J.O.C. aka Joe Orange County riding in the back seat, beer drinking buddy Brad riding shotgun and yours truly the designated driver. Windows down, satellite radio channel 32, Classic Vinyl with Fleetwood Mac on volume 7 and all's good in the world. A couple lefts and one or two "I think you should of turned there" and God willin we arrived. Parked the car, locked the doors and followed our ears and nose to the brewery. Patented out front selfie and headed for the door. Brad went in first and walked right by the big dude with beard, tattoos and a....I need to check your ID look on his face. Brad and I being 60 and J.O.C. somewhere in his 40's aren't real use to getting our ID checked. With Brad now some 20 feet from the ID checker with him yelling, "Sir, I need to see your ID", to the point I felt he was going chase him down, tackle him and forcibly remove requested form of ID. Now Brad is 6'4", 285 and even though he's 60, I do believe he could still handle himself. But after the 3rd yelled request, Brad turned and saw us digging out proof of old age and he quickly realized he'd have to do the same. Embarrassing brewery scuffle avoided and old age verified and we continue to the bar. This place was rocking! Tables in front, bar to the left rapping around to the far left corner, off shot room to the right with a stage and live band singing a rocking original I couldn't quite make out. We find 3 bar stools at the very end of the bar, we sit, take a deep breath, get comfy and bing, bang, boom.....the Hoppin Brewery Tour strikes again right here on Ashland Ave, Chicago!!
I immediately peruse the wall mounted brew menu to my right. Brad says something to me and I'm having a hard time hearing him.....music is the main event in the front bar area, at least tonight it is. Brad does a head motion to the left, JOC and I follow to the adjoining back room and eventually outside to the patio. Nice space with picnic tables, umbrellas and wait staff bringing the food and brews at a nice pace. I order an All Rise flight starting with Reverend Bob's Uber IPA (6.9%, 60 IBU), next is Piston Broke - Barley Wine (12%, 70 IBU), followed by Backlash Jack - Imperial Brown Ale (5.7%, 28 IBU) and ending with Keogh's Tipperary Red - Irish Red (4.7%, 28 IBU). Brad consumes a pint of Wonder Beer - American Pale Ale (5.2%, 42 IBU).
Up walks bearded bouncer Darrell wanting to recheck Brads I.D.....just kidding! No we pull Darrell in and find out he's one heck of a guy that takes his job seriously. JOC notices his WWF - World Wrestling Federation t-shirt and instantly the two are best of buds. Conversation goes from Hulk Hogan to The Terminator to how to hit someone in the back of the head with a folding chair! Both agree that it's all real and there's no way those guys are actors. Let's All Rise and give'em a standing ovation.
All Rise Brewing Company is a Chicago West Loop favorite with a little bit of something for everyone. So bring your thirst, your appetite and of course your I.D.!
Until next time and remember.........
Go get'cha one!!
