Tour Stop 81 - Pueblo Vida Brewing Company, - 12/31/2018
Pueblo Vida Brewing Company, 115 E. Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85701 phone: #520-623-7168
website: PuebloVidaBrewing.com
Experience before you go . . .
I've walked by and even once stuck my head in the door of Pueblo Vida located in the downtown area of Tucson so when my buddy Kurt was in town not only did we stick our heads in the door, we commandeered two bar stools and in true Hoppin' Brewery Tour fashion....got to know everyone around us!
Pueblo Vida Brewing has been serving Tucson craft beer for the last four years. Located in the very popular Congress Hotel downtown area, Pueblo Vida Brewing offers a cozy industrial chic feel with a good selection of imaginative brews. With Robin and Audra behind the bar I started my brew-ha-ha tasting adventure with a flight of four local favorites. First up was HEF - Bavarian Style Hefeweizen (5.4%) banana and clove with a crisp finish, next we have Chroma - IPA (6.5%) Orange & papaya with some floral....enjoyable. After some palate cleaning I taste the Festbier - Octoberfest style Lager (4.7%) mecca grade Venora Vienna, Pelton Pilsner & Metolius Munich malt hopped in the kettle with Hallertau Mittelfruh......PROST!!! Last but not least the Brevedad - Tart Heritage Sonoran Ale (4.7) citrus rind, dry vermouth and some wet autumn leaves.....lip smacking good!!
To my right I start up a conversation with Pascha. Come to find out Pascha is a Professor at the University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences located right here in Tucson. Considered the largest institute for optics education in the United States. Pascha is a nice chap who was born and raised in Siberia/Russia and eventually ended up in the U.S. of A. teaching optics....gotta love it! He's a runner and a craft beer drinker....I can see running then drinking but not drinking then running!! Just messing with ya Pascha, hope to run into you again soon and keep teaching those young people.
Joining in on the fun and on Kurt's left we have Teri and Shoshannah. Never met a Shoshannah before and will probably never meet another one! Free spirit looking for the next adventure. My kinda gal when I was in my twenties. When I was 23 and spent almost 4 months backpacking through Europe, I traveled with many Shoshannah. Her and Teri were drinking some beers and talking with some folks...good stuff.
I needed to take some Hoppin' Brewery Tour pictures so I moseyed around snapping some shots and passed a couple guys in work mode with papers pilling and lap tops churning......owner Kyle hitting it hard. Hand him a card, snap a selfie, HBT strikes again.
Until next time and remember.........
Go get'cha one!!