Experience before you go . . .
Even though this tour happened the 21st of November I'm actually starting and maybe finishing this write up on, you guessed it Christmas Eve 2019. So being an old fashioned kinda guy I get a little nostalgic around this time of year with feelings of good tidings and joy! Thankful and blessed for so much and if I try to really think about it, which I do often, it's overwhelming. Not to go all religious on you but it is Jesus' birthday. You know that cute little baby that was born 2019 years ago in the manger because there was no room at the Inn......it's a pretty cool story, check it out if you haven't already.
The relatively new Tucson, Arizona Hoppin Brewery Tour contingent of Dave, Rick and yours truly decided to do a twofer on that memorable November day so we stepped out of BlackRock and piled into the chariot and told Siri to direct us to Corbett Brewing and instantly we were on our way. Conversation was flowing like the Tucson Rillito Wash during a heavy Monsoon down pour. No subject was off limits even that time when Dave was 23 years old and he decided to.........just kidding Dave! Arrival time at Corbett was getting close as we ventured into the Tucson 4th Avenue district which is very eclectic and sometime compared to San Francisco's Haight Ashbury. A mix of hippy, old and new with enough restaurants to make any foodie smile! "You have arrived", as I maneuver a required back in only diagonal street parking spot that was designed for a quick getaway. We manage to find the brewery door but first we front sign selfie it and I snap another one with the Civil War Dude. In we go, comfy couch sitting left and right and further in hi-top tables and chairs to the right and a long wood bar to the left where we shuffle up to three empty bar stools as if they had been waiting all this time for us to arrive. Jessie the bartender greets us, I hand her a Hoppin Brewery Tour card with a quick explanation of the tour and yes, Bing Bang Boom the HBT strikes again for the 97th time!!
We all order up three Corbett flights of varied beer selections off the beer menu that individually catch our eye. Similar to a lot of things in life what you like in craft beer varies greatly amongst the masses. It's kinda like picking out a pair of shoes....some like loafers (Brown Ale), others prefer sandals (Blonde Ale), tennis shoes (Sours), business wing tips (IPA) and of course the fur lined slipper in front of a fireplace (barrel aged Stout)! The flights begin to arrive and some of the favorites were VMO - Vanilla Bean Hefeweizen (6.2%, 30 IBU) simple, orange, wheat, balanced; Stone Face - Pale Ale (6.0%, 31 IBU) robust, hoppy, clean finish; Ridin' The Rail Ale (55%, 19 IBU) crisp, refreshing, touch of citrus; Corbett IPA (6.2%, 70 IBU) hoppy and floral; Hazed Cream Ale (6.0%, 27 IBU) light bodied, centennial & mount hood hops for a layered finish.
Jessie with her gray/purple tinted hair agreed to show me behind the Corbett curtain where the beer is brewed and the expansion plans are on steroids. So past a pool table and out the back door we go to an alleyway where there is a constructed wood stage for local talent and four metal troughs with Hop Plants growing up the brick wall.. Across the alley we go through a door and Jessie turns on some lights and around the corner we go to a large space and behind an enclosed glass divider is production (very nice) we also have a large bar in mid-construction....all we need now is a couple hundred folks drinking Corbett craft beer! Gotta luv the American Dream of growing a small business....only in America!!
Check out Corbett's! Fabulous location in an area of Tucson that is a must to experience. Along with Corbett's I believe there are 4-5 craft breweries you can walk/crawl to on your own.
Tucson Rocks, but don't tell anyone because we don't want it to get too crowded!!
Until next time and remember.....
Go get'cha one!!!